Thursday, October 2, 2008


So what the fucks up with US Weekly magazine having their article "Stars - They're Just Like US!"????? Fucking obviously. They're not aliens. This pisses me the hell off. Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they don't do the same things we do! It's shit like this that makes people thing that they're NOT like us - because if they were, we wouldn't have to point it out!!! Jesus people....gimme a freakin break! I was reading the October 6th edition today and it showed a picture of Goldie Hawn and Kate Husdon at some party laughing and having a good time. The quote said, "They Laugh With Their Moms!" Are you fucking kidding me?! They laugh with their moms?! Why wouldn't they laugh with their moms?? I'm sure Kate really said to herself, "Now that I'm such a celebrity, I'm way too good to laugh with my mom like the common folk do." They also had a picture of Lindsay Price reading a paper and eating some dessert looking thing. The quote said, "They Read While They Snack!" Really?! Apparantly, when you morph into Celebrity Status, you lose all ability to multi-task. Honestly...I am rolling my eyes at this shit. And we wonder why people are obsessed with celebrities...

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